Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ideas for Reading Intervention

In the blog Hello Literacy posted on November 12, 2012, Jones talks about a common core lesson to help with reading intervention and literacy.  Here is the link to the presentation she posted, it is full of great resources and I would recommend taking a look at it. 

It provides great ideas to get students interested and involved in the reading process.  She gives an example of reading books as a group that may be above their reading level.  They then do a variety of charts and brainstorm as a group what went on in the book.  She also recommends using two different books and having the students compare and contrast the books.  It is similar to what we have been learning in our literacy class, this just provides some more resources for teachers to use in their classroom! Hope you enjoy and get a change to view the presentation, it is really good!

Focus Poetry in the classroom

In the blog Hello Literacy posted on October 23, 2012 Jones talks about focus poetry.  She provided resources from a book by Julie Ballew entitled, “Top Teaching” through scholastic.  You can find all the resources on the blog if you are interested in learning more about the lessons! Julie talks about focus poetry and how to integrate it into your classroom.  Focus poetry is a “program of shared reading and provides multiple opportunities to teach a wide variety of skills in a short amount of time each day.” Below is the template she uses for the lessons.  She will put up a poem and the students will go through the template and analyze/ write about the poem and what it means to them. 

She also posted some cute bulletin board pieces to go along with the lesson. 

 Focus poetry integrates writing and language arts as well as a different form of writing.  Another way to extend this lesson would be to have the students create their own poems and have their classmates analyze them.  I hope you enjoy and check out the post for more resources about focus poetry!